Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
corona, corona
how are you? i am full. full of grief. full of anxious thoughts. i am so in my head, every day. i want to know who i’m supposed to be right now. how to know i matter. i want to know how this “ends”, as if there’s an end. there is no end. this is…
friendships & familiars
i believe labels should *start* conversations, not *replace* them. this is not a “True” framework, it is simply an example of being creative to get around a problem i noticed in my own life and mind. the problem is: i notice myself bumping up against the limitations of the simplified “acquaintance <-> friend” spectrum. other…
a magic spell i wrote for you; to read out loud
(these words are a spell. be warned: these words will be flattened into a fruitless jumble within just two days unless they are again read out loud, even if only to yourself. i hope you know what to do:) “home is—where?— where the heart is” ok. where is your heart it is inside your body…
how are you?
if you mean “right NOW”, i’m going to need a little time to check in with my body, brain, and emotions. if you mean “in general, today / this week”, pull up a chair because we’re gonna need a LOT of time. i’m mostly convinced, at this point, that the simple act of deciding how…
do i work to eat?
is the time i spend at work purely to maintain my own survival as a body that requires food? or have i moved a step (or three) upward on the hierarchy of needs? can i see a surplus in my life? the true answer leads to a painful question: what is the best use of…
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